Building a Bush Community with Em Armstrong

Building a Bush Community with Em Armstrong

"If you had said to me in year 12, or at uni, or even when I was living and working in Sydney in the ag world, that I would have my own business as an online yoga instructor, I'd probably laugh at you."

The definition of fun and bubbly, Em Armstrong grew up on a sheep farm on the Hay Plains in NSW, where she loved the freedom of the wide-open spaces (cue The Chicks/Dixie Chicks), riding bikes and having a family “beach holiday" at the irrigation channel.

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Incremental Gains in Footy and Farming with Dylan Grimes
Good Health and Wellbeing, Podcast Humans of Agriculture Good Health and Wellbeing, Podcast Humans of Agriculture

Incremental Gains in Footy and Farming with Dylan Grimes

“A lot of my ancestry has been directly involved in agriculture, mum’s parents are farmers, and through my dad’s side there was a pretty strong farming influence as well. I also grew up in an area that was sort of semi-rural, I grew up on a hobby farm and I remember from a young age being inspired by the farmers in my family, the farmers around my family.”

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Putting farmers through their paces with Ginny Stevens
Podcast, Good Health and Wellbeing Humans of Agriculture Podcast, Good Health and Wellbeing Humans of Agriculture

Putting farmers through their paces with Ginny Stevens

“Everyone that lives in the bush, they love it, they live and breathe it, they choose to live there, but with that choice to live in the bush [there are] these conditions… challenges that are outside of your control,” said Ginny.

“Floods, fires, droughts, financial stress, succession planning, commodity price risk, you have isolation… we are herd animals, we are not meant to be alone a lot, there's a lot of farmers that are alone a lot.”

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