Crafting Mongrel Boots with Phil Cloros (Ep 2 of 2) - Better Business Series

Welcome to episode six of the Better Business series and our second with Phil Cloros from Mongrel Boots

In the first part of our chat, we explored Phil's background and his perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing the family business, especially in the context of generational differences and workforce challenges. Go back and listen if you haven’t already!

In this second part, we delve deeper into how Phil manages communication within the family business, the role of the next generation, and the importance of modernising their approach to stay relevant in the market.

Here’s an excerpt of Phil talking about his Grandfather:

"He's almost like a bit of an enigma for me. You tell people about this guy, that's 85, and he owns a business and he still comes in at five o'clock every morning. And he works five days a week.

And to most people that's a really cool story. And I can see people's fascination with it, it's a pretty rare thing. Even for me, it's quite inspirational, it gives you something to aim for.

Personally, I'm not sure if I'll still be coming into the office five days a week when I'm 85. But, you see the drive and the motivation that this guy has got at that age when really, he could just be sitting at home, retired or relaxing somewhere… But he wants to come into work every day.

Sometimes I look at him when he's leaving, and he's getting old now. He's got a walking stick and he's carrying his briefcase and he's sort of hunched over a little bit and it's quite incredible when you think this guy still has what he wants to do every day." - Phil

Images supplied by Phil Cloros.

Sponsor: The Better Business series is supported by the Farm Business Resilience Program through the Australian Government's Future Drought Fund and the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries.


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