Dairy Farming For a Better Future with Harry Lloyd

In 2020, Harry Lloyd was a little lost. He had just finished University and with the state of the world making it impossible to travel, his dream of being a cowboy in America was to be put on hold. At the same time, we’d just started the Humans of Agriculture Podcast and Harry was recommended to listen, which turned out to be a pretty pivotal moment for him. 

"The one thing I took away from the podcast is to say yes. Plan A's not going to happen anytime soon, so I'll just start saying yes to opportunities and see where it leads me."

Harry grew up in Kyabram, Victoria, where he calls the safest place on the planet. He loved his upbringing on his family's dairy farm and now calls Kyabram home again. He spends his days working on a Dairy farm and co-farming with his brother.

Tragically, Harry's life was turned on its head at the age of 18 when his Dad suddenly passed away. The community rallied around his family and helped them milk cows as they navigated what happened to the farm and their cattle. 

At the time, he didn't see himself in farming and instead was going to pursue studies in Sports Management. It didn’t take long, for him to begin to miss the farm and he found himself more interested in what his friends were studying, Agribusiness.

He found his niche passion in regenerative agriculture and how to look after animals, paddocks and the planet more broadly. 

"I was conscious about the idea of farming in a way that not only is sustainable, but also benefits the environment and improves it for those future generations."

Harry wants to do things differently, while being mindful that you can't be sustainable if you're not profitable and you can't throw away everything that we've learned over the years. 

"The opportunity to trial so many different things is why I like agriculture. Especially dairy, because you can do something and you'll see the results the very next day."  


This episode and campaign was created as part of a Paid Partnership partnership with Dairy Australia

If you’re interested in a career in Dairy, head to Dairy Jobs Matter to find out more.


Career: Jane Snell left Fine Dining to pursue Dairy Farming


Nuffield CEO - A global view of Agriculture with Jodie Redcliffe