The little moments in white fields that shaped a future love with Mollie Parkes
Humans of Agriculture, Careers in Agriculture Humans of Agriculture Humans of Agriculture, Careers in Agriculture Humans of Agriculture

The little moments in white fields that shaped a future love with Mollie Parkes

“I wasn't surrounded by, technology and hundreds of other kids in the class, or even neighbours. It was that for sure that shaped my future and I think, laid a foundation for my appreciation for it as well. And knowing and seeing how committed Dad was to the land as well... Inspiring for sure.”

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The job that even his Dad is jealous of with Josh Ledingham
Humans of Agriculture, Careers in Agriculture Humans of Agriculture Humans of Agriculture, Careers in Agriculture Humans of Agriculture

The job that even his Dad is jealous of with Josh Ledingham

“It was a three to five-year plan but we’ve turned around and bloody love it! We’re not ready to go back [to Eastern Australia]. We have our friends, a really good support network and we haven’t looked back.”

“We’re actually looking to buy a place and set up stumps!”

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