The road to Liquid Gold with Fiona and Liam Mann
The road less travelled to finding liquid gold “you have to do it differently” with Fiona and Liam Mann
140 years of history and the next generation embraces the evolution at Pine Hill, with Ted Langley.
“You've just got to be there, in the discussion, because something will trigger something and make you think, and I think that's the best thing” - Ted
18 months ago, tragedy struck at the Langley’s property at Pine Hill in South Australia.
After suffering a medical episode, Ted Langley’s brother would pass away. After 30 years in Partnership, the succession to the next generation would be immediate.
140 years on from when the Langley family would first establish themselves on the property, Ted alongside his daughter and two nephews are continuing the families legacy.

Making your own Opportunity, with Martin Lovegrove.
“If you can see it, you can be it”
- Marty Lovegrove
Growing up, Martin Lovegrove, who is most definitely a ‘Marty’, dreamt of being a shearer, just like his Dad.
By his mid teenage years with plenty of time on the boards of the woolshed, Marty’s career aspirations would shift from fleece to fields. A pathway mapped, to finish school and proceed to tertiary education.
“I went [to University] to meet people, which is the biggest part of agriculture, probably.”
Like many young adults, returning home was a drawcard, however it was the encouragement of his father that would see Marty move further afield, securing a job with the Department of Agriculture on South Australia’s Yorke Peninsula.

Recycling can be as simple as Tag with Natalie Bell
“It doesn’t matter who you are or what your background is, everyone can have a go.”
Natalie Bell was living in Sydney when a change in her High School would ultimately ignite a passion for showing cattle that would go on to shape her career.
She loved it so much that she went to Sydney University and studied Agricultural Science with a major in Livestock Production.
Her career so far has taken her along the east coast of Australia to learn all she can related to the red meat industry, farming, and sustainability.

The Guardian of the Vines: "Nature has a profound impact on our passions" with Nigel Blieschke.
The Guardian of the Vines: "Nature has a profound impact on our passions" with Nigel Blieschke.
"Growing up on an isolated sheep and cattle farm in South Australia profoundly influenced my perspective on agriculture."
Surrounded by the remarkable landscape of the Flinders Ranges, rich in diversity alongside his Grandfather's interest and care for the natural environment that have played a significant role in shaping Nigel Blieschke interests.
"Childhood experiences often shape our understanding, and mine laid the foundation for a connection to the land."

Creating a More Equitable World Through AgTech with Sam Masanari Lambert
“From market to market there are lots of different issues that emerge with agricultural producers. Some of the smaller to medium size businesses don't have access to basic technology, whether it was too expensive or they didn’t know about it.
In areas like Sri Lanka it’s a lot more accentuated than other areas. It was core infrastructure that was lacking, like understanding how exports are done and taking cross-border payments.
The point was that there were big gaps where basic technology was missing, so we started working on that. So that’s what my project is on, giving access and know-how to agribusinesses around the world on technology and innovation.”

The Californian Family Pivotal to Shaping Australia’s Cotton Industry with James Kahl
Over 60 years ago, an American farmer would be reading the American Farm Bureau magazine. Unbeknown to him, it was a moment that would prove pivotal in the development of Australia’s cotton industry and Australian agriculture would never look the same again…

Science in Agriculture Enabling Dr Katia Taylor to have the Impact she Wants to have on the World
Science in Agriculture Enabling Dr Katia Taylor to have the Impact she Wants to have on the World - 2024 evokeAG. Future Young Leader.
“We can solve big societal and environmental problems using science. And agriculture for me is the most important.”

Chatting all things Plants and Tech with Guy Coleman
Chatting all things Plants and Tech with Guy Coleman - 2024 evokeAG. Future Young Leader.
Geneticists, biologists and evolutionists are regular company for Guy Coleman.
He has moved around the globe learning all he can about plants, particularly from the research lens. It’s landed Guy in Denmark at the University of Copenhagen where he currently resides.