Nuffield CEO - A global view of Agriculture with Jodie Redcliffe
Podcast, Humans of Agriculture Humans of Agriculture Podcast, Humans of Agriculture Humans of Agriculture

Nuffield CEO - A global view of Agriculture with Jodie Redcliffe

Jodie Redcliffe studied Psychology, can speak fluent Japanese, is a mother of three and her first memories in agriculture are feeding poddy calves on her Pa’s dairy farm. There’s a lot to unpack in this episode! As a youngster, Jodie moved around regional Queensland as her father worked in pigs and poultry.

“He actually liked pigs a lot more than poultry. And then ironically, I married a chook farmer, which kinda was a little weird to begin with.”

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Events Extraordinaire, Mountaineer, Plane Crash Survivor and all-round Incredible Human - This is Esther Price
Humans of Agriculture, Podcast Humans of Agriculture Humans of Agriculture, Podcast Humans of Agriculture

Events Extraordinaire, Mountaineer, Plane Crash Survivor and all-round Incredible Human - This is Esther Price

We won't be able to give Esther Price justice in this blog, but if you have ever been in the room with her then you know just how ExtraOrdinary she is. The influence she has on people around her is incredible, particularly when she is on stage, she really is absolutely captivating.

Esther calls Western Australia (WA) home and always has. She is about to become a Grandmother and is more physically fit than ever.

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The 3 Month Window Which Turned Jack Milbank's World on its Head and Shaped the Pathway Forward
Podcast, Partner, Nuffield Australia Humans of Agriculture Podcast, Partner, Nuffield Australia Humans of Agriculture

The 3 Month Window Which Turned Jack Milbank's World on its Head and Shaped the Pathway Forward

“Your whole life, you think you're going to do something. For that to suddenly change in a three-month window does make you reevaluate things pretty quickly. And you don't actually have much choice, you have to innovate”.

I really wanted to go home.

But I thought, I've got to be able to create a new future. And so the only way to do it is to look forward and pursue every opportunity that presents itself with as much vigour and passion as I possibly could”

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