Humans of Agriculture

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"My Mum is my Hero" - Malkah Lara-Muckenschnabl

If Malkah wasn’t a Relationship Credit Analyst, she would use her love of problem solving to be an entrepreneur. The AgriFutures 2023 Future Young Leader is currently looking to solve a problem that she sees in recruitment in agriculture… Introducing Lymbo, an app that’s putting a creative twist on connecting employers and employees.

“Firstly, I love a challenge. And I think that I thrive off actually building something, like I'm very creative in that sense.

And I just once I think about a problem, I just really want to fix it. And I think that's really what led me to thinking about, you know, a lot of the time, there's a lot of problems that you look at every day, and you sort of go ‘yeah, okay, whatever’, like, move on. And I think this problem just really stuck with me.

And it must have been, obviously, because I resonated with it. And I think then it got to the point that I actually thought of a solution… I thought, why can't we just talk to that person? And why can't we just see a little clip of what they're about, like, we just need a glimpse of what this is, so that I know whether I'm interested or not?

And then that whole thought process led me to, well, it's really not that different to dating… It's about personality, and you can have a coffee with someone and within 5-10 minutes you know if you're gonna get along with them or not.

Especially if you're going to be sitting in an office or doing work with them day in, day out... You spend basically just as much time with your family at home than you do with that person who you're sitting next to at work.

So the more I came up with a solution, the more I just got really invested in it. And I think the more I found out, the worse it got. It was just a snowball effect of all of these things.

And the more people that I spoke to about it, the more people also resonated with me. And I think that's really been my drive to keep pushing forward has been the fact that the validation behind yes, we need something and we want something, we just don't know exactly what it is.

It might not be me, and it might not be Lymbo, but I would love for someone to actually come in and fix that problem, because I just think it's so crucial to everything really, that we do.” - Malkah

Images supplied by Malkah.

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Malkah was a finalist of the 2023 AgriFutures evokeAG Future Young Leader. . Applications for the 2024 award are open NOW, closing on September 4. Thanks to AgriFutures for sponsoring this episode.

The search for the next generation of Future Young Leaders in agrifood is underway. Applications are now open for the evokeAG. Future Young Leaders Program and close on Monday, 4 September 2023, offering five emerging leaders the opportunity to showcase their ideas, innovation, or research to an international audience at evokeAG. on 20-21 February 2024 in Perth, Western Australia.

 The program recognises the contributions of young industry leaders in our food, fibre and fuel production systems, and provides them with the support systems, networks, and connections to thrive in their careers.

 For more information on how to apply for the Future Young Leaders Program, visit