Why Dairy is Essential for Vulnerable Communities in Australia

Australia is facing a troubling rise in food insecurity, as detailed in the 2023 Foodbank Hunger Report. 

With 3.7 million Australian households struggling to put food on the table due to the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, many individuals are experiencing food insecurity for the first time.

This situation is affecting not just the unemployed but also employed individuals who are finding it difficult to make ends meet.

Brianna Casey, CEO of Foodbank Australia, highlights the gravity of the situation: 

“The reality is no matter where we are in Australia, no matter what age group we're talking about, people are really hurting and we need to be able to do what we do best and that's making sure healthy, nutritious food makes it to those who need it,” she says.

The Essential Role of Dairy

Dairy products are crucial for a balanced diet, offering essential nutrients like calcium, protein, and vitamins. However, for many Australians, dairy has become a luxury they can no longer afford.

“An increasing number of Australians are forced to make difficult decisions about allocating their limited resources. People are making really heartbreaking choices about what they can feed themselves and their families, and for many, they're missing out on dairy,” Brianna says.

Recognising the critical need for dairy, Foodbank Australia has teamed up with dairy farmers and milk processors across the country. This partnership ensures that dairy products remain accessible to everyone..

"Dairy is one of those incredible products that we just can't get enough of,”

Brianna emphasises.

“Whether it be fresh white milk, yoghurt, cheese, or cream, we want to make sure these products are available to people year-round.”

The National Milk Program and Industry Support

To address the gap in dairy supply, Foodbank Australia launched the National Milk Program.

Today, the annual donation for fresh milk from the industry to Foodbank is 900, 000 litres of fresh white milk each year. 

The program's success is supported by the transport and logistics sector, which helps distribute chilled and frozen products across Australia.

Despite facing numerous challenges, Brianna shares that some of the most consistent supports are Aussie Farmers.

"Farmers are some of our most generous and kind donors, despite the fact that it is an industry plagued with so many challenges," Brianna says. 

“Whether it be floods, fires, droughts, they impact our farming communities

more than anyone, and yet those very same farmers

are the people who step up and support us time after time”. 

“We are so proud to work paddock to plate with the dairy industry.”

A Collaborative Effort for a Brighter Future

The collaboration between Foodbank Australia and the dairy industry is a beacon of hope in the fight against food insecurity for Australians.

As the cost of living continues to rise, the efforts of organisations like Foodbank and the generosity of the dairy industry become increasingly vital.

By ensuring that nutritious, quality food reaches vulnerable Australians, they are making a tangible difference in countless lives. 

Click through to find out more about the programs at Foodbank Australia.

Paid Partnership Transparency:

Humans of Agriculture have been fortunate enough to engage in a paid agreement powered by the NSW Government, Dairy NSW, and Dairy Australia to gain first-hand insight into the Australian Dairy Industry and share it with our audiences and more broadly. This six-part series includes video, podcasts, photography and written content (like what you’ve just read) and is made possible by the Australian and NSW Government’s Storm and Flood Industry Recovery Program. 


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