"We're doing what a lot of parents would do for their kids, but for whatever reason, they can't" with Adam DeMamiel

Adam DeMamiel is the CEO, Director and Co-Founder of Boys To The Bush, a charity which supports vulnerable youth with intensive programs. His role has changed over the years so now he's not the one running the programs, but empowering others around him to do so. Having his staff find reward from the work they do with kids and speak passionately about their work is what fills Adam's cup. 

"I'm not actually working with the kids these days. But for me now, it's just hearing all these stories of success that I know nothing about and have nothing to do with."

Adam grew up in regional New South Wale. His upbringing instilled values and morals in him which he projects throughout his work with kids who aren't subject to the love and support he was. Often these kids are subject to trauma that is genuinely shocking and tragic, so please take caution when listening to this episode and seek help if you need it, we've linked some resources at the bottom of the blog.  

We're doing what a lot of parents would do for their kids, but for whatever reason, they can't."

Adam speaks candidly of his own battles with mental health over the years and the tragic loss of his sister. A teacher by trade, Adam didn't love his time at University, but he did love the Special Needs classes, and that's what started the sequence of events for him to start Boys To The Bush.

He describes the kids he works with as having been let down a million times by the system or the people in their lives. They're kids that the education system isn't set up for.

"They're reminded too many times of all the stuff they can't do and will probably never be able to do or want to do."

"It's bloody hard work. It's not for everyone. You've got to have a thick skin, because often these kids will do everything they can to get you to bugger off."

Adam has some incredible stories from individuals and farming communities they have had impact in.

"The kids are the vehicle to us accessing the community and helping the community."

Images supplied by Adam DeMamiel.

If you need help:
Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800
Lifeline - 13 11 14
More resources here

Episode Sponsor - The podcast episode of the Humans of Agriculture podcast is in partnership with Rabobank Australia.


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