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Q&A with Nat Bell: Lets find the next crop of Groundbreakers in Aussie Ag

We’re sitting down and chatting with Natalie Bell, a Business Analyst with Cunningham Cattle Co, and a 2024 evokeAG Future Young Leader.

Yep, we’re already talking about evokeAG 2025 and the evolution of the Future Young Leaders Program to encompass the ‘Groundbreakers Program’.

Oli: Nat, this time last year while applications were open, were you hesitant with putting yourself forward?

Nat: Definitely, I felt like the program was for someone further advanced than where I was at in my startup stage. [I had this] feeling like it was beyond me and I was too small of a fish in a massive pond to be able to throw my hand up and apply. And then I think being daunted by just the calibre of people that had come the year before me and you get into that imposter syndrome of thinking like, maybe my idea is not gonna be portrayed as well as theirs will be. I think it was really personal hesitation and feeling misaligned to the enormous opportunity that this program is, but really it's worth it for absolutely anyone to just have a crack.

Oli: Applicants should be thinking about an idea to transform Australian AgriFood, is that what you took away from it?

Nat: Yeah, for sure. It all starts with an idea and the more people that you meet through evokeAG, the more development you get with that idea. So even if you do come in with one that you think is fully fledged, it might not be by the end of the program and the end of the conference. So it really doesn't matter where you are, whether it's a business idea, whether it's a research project. It all is relevant.

Oli: The number one reason you applied was seeking to become a better communicator, how has that panned out?

Nat: It definitely was the main goal. And I mean, I've always loved to yarn and I was that kid that was always in trouble for talking at school. So talking to people definitely is what I love. But I think it was that courage to be bold and to really push the limits of sharing your true opinion and what you really think about and what matters to you. It's quite vulnerable on a big scale like that. So it's definitely what the program helped to plant it in the back of your mind now.

Whenever I'm talking to people, I think, well, is this really what I think? And I really need to push myself to share my true opinion, which has been awesome.

Oli: Why should someone apply to be a part of the evokeAG 2025 Groundbreakers Program?

Nat: Yeah, it's hindsight, isn't it, looking back you can see where you've come from. I think that really motivates you to want people to apply. So I think there's just such a huge opportunity for other people to see things in you that you don't see in yourself. And yeah, just to throw your hat in the ring, like the worst, what's the worst that could happen? Because during that application process, as you said, you learn things even by just filling in a form and thinking about where you're at and what this program could do for you.

And yeah, you're definitely not too small and no idea is too early to have a go.

Paid Partnership with EvokeAG

evokeAG 2025 Groundbreaker Program - Applications open

  • Formerly known as the evokeAG. Future Young Leaders program, the evokeAG. Groundbreakers program has been renamed to better reflect the innovative and impactful leadership of its participants. 

  • The 2025 program will empower five emerging leaders in agrifood and related industries, guiding them to present their innovations at the evokeAG. 2025 event in Brisbane.

  • Participants receive mentoring and a post-event bursary, supporting their goals to enhance rural communities and advance Australian agriculture.

  • Applications are open till Monday, 2 September 2024 to apply visit

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