Humans of Agriculture

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Building a Global Business from the Uni dorm with Jack Laurie

Meet Jack, the man behind Breeder Genetics, a company that's giving back to the cattle industry, one straw of bull semen at a time!

Born into it from Day One

Jack was immersed in agriculture from day one on his family’s property and Angus stud. When we asked about his earliest connection to agriculture, he spoke of photos of him and his siblings on horses, strapped to their parents. He jokes that they didn’t really get a choice, but it’s clear that he is very grateful for that upbringing!

Uni, Cattle, and Connection

Leaving high school, Jack headed to Northern Australia to begin his Professional Career in Agriculture and loved his time on a cattle station in the Australian Gulf for Australian Agricultural Company. His passion for cattle genetics, breeding, data and statistics soon took him back down, enrolling at the University of Armidale. During this time, he landed some cash to take him over to USA & Canada. This experience and the connections he made lit a fire within him to bridge the gap between international and Australian markets.

"The catalyst to start Breeder Genetics was when I saw a gap in the market and realised there were cattle in Australia that could be marketed internationally."

The Birth of Breeder Genetics

Upon his return, Jack's mind was set. He had an idea that would soon be a full-blown business. Jack talks about how he refined the idea and leaned on his network to develop the first stages of the company… The business is now a breeder-to-breeder genetic platform, bridging the gap between seedstock cattle producers and the marketplace. Not bad for a 20 year old Uni student!

Jack Laurie, Founder of Breeder Genetics

The Road to Success

He talks about the business as 'our', but in reality it is just him day-to-day with some assistance from his sister, Georgie. He speaks fondly of his family, mentors and other people who help him along the way.

Success to Jack is the amount they can give back to their clients and the industry, which is pretty special. 

Bulls, Straws, and Million-Dollar Dreams

Fast forward to today, Breeder Genetics certainly keeps Jack on his toes!

Their phenomenal growth and success in the industry is evident when Jack speaks of their target to reinvest a million dollars back to their clients and the sector.

As Breeder Genetics approaches the ceiling of what Jack can handle alone, he's looking to expand his team and take the bull market to new heights. He speaks candidly of finding the right people who share his values and have the knowledge required.

He is exhilarated by what the future might hold for the industry and his involvement in it. Jack is humble, his knowledge of the industry is crazy and his energy is infectious.

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